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Audubon Girls Softball

Audubon Girls Softball


REVISED: November 6, 2017
Based on sign ups, the Board has the ability to choose to play under the Little League Softball Bylaws and re-align the age groups.  
Little League website: 

REVISED: March 2, 2013


Incorporated in 1960 as Audubon Sports Incorporated, and shall be herein known as Audubon Girls Softball (AGS).


The objectives of the organization shall be to assist in the mental, physical and reverent development of the youth of the organization.  The game of girl’s softball shall be taught while stressing the qualities of good sportsmanship,
team spirit, honesty, courage, loyalty and respect; all aiding in the development of the organization’s youth into good adults.


This organization shall remain non-profit and non-political.  It shall be as self-supporting as possible, and all fund’s raised shall be used solely for the advancement of the organization as a whole.  This organization shall not engage
in team play for monetary gain.


Any person interested in the objectives of AGS, and of good character may become an active member. An active member is any individual who has attended at least 8 meetings during the past 12 months.  Only active members shall be entitled to vote and hold office.



The general management of the organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors of AGS. The AGS Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following Officers: President, Vice President of the Major League, Vice President of the Minor League, Vice President of the Ponytail League, Vice President of the Training League, Secretary, and Treasurer. The AGS Board of Directors has, for the betterment of the League, the empowerment to make decisions on any issue not clearly addressed in the By Laws.



The president shall preside at all general membership meetings.  The president shall be ex-officio member of all committees.  The president will be responsible to preside over and administrate drafts.  The president shall be empowered to appoint special committees as the occasion arises and may call a special meeting of the officers and/or executive committee as needed.

The Vice President of the Major League shall assume the duties as chairman for the maintenance of the major league field, collect inventories from all major league coaches by October 1st, and serve as purchasing agent for the

The Vice President of Minor league shall assume all the duties of president in his/her absence, will assume duties as chairman for the maintenance of the minor league field and collect inventories from all minor league managers by October 1st.

The Vice President of the Ponytail League shall assume the duties as chairman for the maintenance of the field as well as overseeing the Ponytail league in general and reporting/updating the president as needed.

The Vice President of the Training League shall assume the duties as chairman for the maintenance of the field as well as overseeing the Training league in general and reporting/updating the president as needed.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and issue all-correspondence through proper channels and shall assume the duties of chairman of the registration committee.  The registration committee/secretary shall keep a roster of the membership and attendance at meetings.

The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds belonging to the organization and shall be the chairman of the fund raising committee and organizing the Annual Town Fund Drive.    The treasurer shall prepare and present a yearly budget to the board at the October meeting.  Upon board approval, the budget will be presented to the general membership at the January meeting.  All funds of the organization shall be deposited in the name of the organization in a bank or trust company approved by the membership.  The Traveling Teams and concession stand funds shall be maintained in the league’s general account, but accounted for separately.  The treasurer shall have custody of the securities of the organization and shall make a report of the financial condition of the organization at each general membership meeting.  The treasurer shall pay all bills approved and all accounts shall be audited annually by a committee appointed by the president.  All accounts belonging to the organization shall require the signatures of the treasurer and the president for any payments or withdrawals.

The officers shall be elected annually by the voting membership at the October annual meeting. The officers shall serve a term of 1 year, or until their successor is elected and has qualified for office.  This 1 year term will begin at the end of the October meeting, will be served in conjunction with the incumbent until the November meeting, and then continue until the next election. An officer may be challenged for lack of interest or attendance.  2/3 majority of the

active members present must approve a challenge and removal from office. All officers must be notified of any special meeting called. Any member of the organization may request attendance at an officer’s meeting to present a

specific problem.  Such member may not be present during any vote on the issue presented.


The general membership shall meet the 2nd Monday of each month and the 4th Monday of April, May and June. August and December shall have no meeting.  Eight active members shall constitute a quorum for a general membership meeting. The annual meeting of the organization shall be held the 2nd Monday in October. Nominations will be taken during the September meeting.  Further nominations and election of officers will be held at the October annual meeting.  Anyone nominated must be present to accept the nomination or have had previously submitted a letter of acceptance to an officer or the president of the organization. The president may call a special meeting of the officers and/or executive committee as the need arises.


The following standing committees are to be appointed by the president at the November meeting, and will remain in effect for a period of 1 year. 

The Audit committee, to be composed of at least 2 active members of the organization,

shall be responsible to audit the organization books at least once a year and submit a formal report to the general membership.  

The By-laws committee, to be composed of at least 2 active members of the organization, 
shall be responsible for revising and amending the by-laws of the organization as deemed necessary.

The Draft committee shall be responsible for preparing and running the major and minor league drafts.  This committee will be composed of at least 5 active members of the organization, with one member being the Vice President of the League. This committee shall oversee any revision needed in the draft procedures.

The Concession Committee shall be responsible for all activities necessary for the operation of the stand including, but not limited to, procuring items for sale, scheduling volunteers, etc.  The committee will make recommendations to the board for the stand operation and will implement those that are board approved.



The officers shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the organization and it shall place all income in a common treasury, directing the expenditures of same in such a manner as will not give individuals for teams an advantage one over the other as to equipment, etc. A receipt that describes the purchase must accompany request for reimbursement of expenditures.  Items over $50 must have board approval. The officers shall not permit the contributions of funds to individuals of teams, but shall solicit contributions for the common treasury of the organization.  This by-law is to discourage favoritism among teams in an endeavor to equalize the benefits of the organization.


The By Laws established by the organization may be revised through the submission of an amendment to the president and passage by a majority of the active members present at any meeting.  Such rule change shall take effect for the next season, unless such change would impact on the safety of play. Bylaw revisions from the general membership must be submitted by November 30th in writing to the president to be considered for the upcoming season.  All revisions received after that date will not be considered for the upcoming season but will be considered 1 year from the current season. The by-laws of this organization may be amended at any general membership meeting by a 2/3 vote of the active members present, provided the suggested change(s) has been submitted in writing, approved by the officers and read at 2 consecutive regularly scheduled general membership meetings.

Any by-law revision presented to the president shall be read to the general membership and if such suggestion is rejected the basis of the rejection shall be explained.


All persons seeking a position within the organization as a manager must state their intent to any officer prior to the upcoming season.  An individual is restricted to the manager position of only 1 rec team within the organization. This restriction does not apply to AGS sanctioned travel teams, tournament teams, and/or All Star teams. If a manager coaches both a rec team and a GSA (travel) team and a scheduling conflict occurs, the manager may leave the rec team under the responsibility of a league eligible manager/coach. An individual must be 21 years of age or older to hold the position of manager.  No individual under the age of 21 may hold a practice or game without the presence of a manager/coach. In reviewing the applicants, the officers may give preferential consideration to those persons for manager positions, with the most current and consecutive organization seniority, which shall include any league with the organization. The league would prefer all managers to be active members.  However, if insufficient applications are received, the officers of the organization may solicit general members and/or outside the organization for a candidate. A manager has the discretion to select their own coach(es).  This selection is to be submitted to the Vice President of their league.  The Vice President will submit this selection to the Board for tentative approval to be presented at the general league meeting before the draft.


Each manager and coach must abide fully by the AGS organization by-laws, rules, and regulations of the NSA (modified fast pitch). If a manager or coach fails to assume the noted duties and responsibilities, he/she shall be

requested to appear before the officers to show cause why disciplinary action should not be taken. Each team must be represented at 5 of the 6 general league meetings that occur during the active season (from April 1 through June 30) or their managing/coaching eligibility will be in jeopardy.  It shall be the responsibility of the manager to assure that such representation is made. Managers of each team shall be responsible for all equipment and property of the

organization.  All property shall be inventoried no later than October 1st and a written report forwarded to the appropriate vice president regarding the inventory, inspection, and condition of such property. The manager shall be responsible for the team’s participation in the Annual Town Fund Drive. The manager shall be responsible for team representation at all work details. Managers and coaches will not demonstrate or permit any player to act in any manner, which could possibly cause injury to himself/herself, or to another.  No poor sportsmanship shall be permitted in any fashion, verbal or otherwise.


A tournament team is a team entered into play other than the approved schedule of AGS. Funding for such play, other than the Audubon One Pitch Tournament and the All-star Tournament, must be supplied by that team wishing to participate. All sixth graders/12 Year olds are invited to participate (one year only) in the Audubon One Pitch Tournament.


The official playing rules and regulations as published by the NSA (modified fast pitch), and/or the established league rules as set for by AGS shall apply each playing season. 

No team will be permitted to make any player trades.

It is the policy of this league that sisters in the same league/division are to be placed on the same team unless specifically requested otherwise by the parents/guardians at the time of registration.

Eligibility of a player is one who is not registered in any other town’s recreational program (i.e. non-travel).

No ASA pitcher is allowed to pitch in our league. 
Training league players shall consist of individuals who are 5 – 6 years old by January 1st of the registering year.

Ponytail league players shall consist of individuals who are 7 - 9 years old by January  1st of the registering year.

Minor league players shall consist of individuals who are 10- 12 years old by January 1st of the registering year.

Major league players shall consist of individuals who are 13 -16 years old by January 1st of the registering year.

Minor league traveling team players shall consist of individuals that do not exceed the age of 12 years prior to January 1st of any given year.  (Selection of the traveling team will be accomplished through a rated tryout by a panel of coaches.  Girls selected will be assessed an additional fee to participate).

Major league traveling team players shall consist of individuals 13 – 15 years old by January 1st of the registering year. 

Regular season “rec” games will have priority over GSA (Travel) games when scheduling 
conflicts occur.  Players are ineligible to play a GSA game if they have a rec game scheduled for the same time.  If a player shows up at a GSA game when she has a rec game scheduled, she will not be eligible to play in that GSA game and will also be suspended for one (1) additional GSA game. As well, if the GSA coach plays this ineligible player, the GSA coach will be suspended for one (1) GSA game.

Any 14 or 15 year old player, who is rostered on a high school team, will have the option to play only on the GSA (Travel) team, making it not mandatory to play rec in order to play on the GSA (Travel) team.

Any special circumstances regarding any handicap should be brought to the attention of the League President.

Any player struck on the head with a ball or a bat, based on the judgment of the umpire, shall be immediately removed from the playing field.  It shall be the responsibility of the manager or coach to comply with this order.  If deemed a glancing blow, the umpire shall decide whether the player must sit out for one full inning. If deemed a direct blow, the injured player must be removed for the remainder of the game.  For a direct blow, medical attention should be sought and the parents notified.

The umpire(s) shall have full authority of the running of the game according to the rules set forth by the organization.

The team designated as the “HOME TEAM” shall use the third base dugout. 

The team nearest the scoreboard shall be responsible for posting the score.
Each team is responsible to bring their equipment on and off the field.

Only 3 representatives, one manager and 2 coaches per team, are permitted on the field during scheduled games.

No tobacco products may be used inside the complex.  We are a smoke free facility.

No alcoholic beverages or persons under the influence of an alcoholic beverage are allowed on or near the playing field.


It is the intent of the league to provide the opportunity to make all the teams as equally competitive as possible by virtue of the player’s softball playing abilities while also maintaining parity in the number of players among the respective teams within each Division.  In this way, the game will be most enjoyable and recreational, as well as being a learning experience for all the players involved. Fundamental to this goal will be the implementation of a simple and uniform Player Rating system, which will be used in order to determine a player’s softball playing

abilities. The Player Ratings will be used as a guide for Managers in the Draft, and for positioning of Protected Players in the Draft.

Eligible players will be grouped in each Division relative to their league-age:

The Training Division represents league-ages 5 and 6.

The Pony Division represents league-ages 7 – 9.

The Minors Division represents league-ages 10 – 12.

The Majors Division represents league ages 13 – 16.


(1) All league Divisions will have an annual redraft of all eligible players, except for the Training League.
(2) The President will oversee, with each Division VP, coordinating their own Draft.
(3) Each team’s draft order will be selected by lottery at time of the Draft.
(4) Draft order will follow First to Last (starting 1st round), Last to First (starting 2nd round), and then First to Last again (starting 3rd round) and so on.
(5) Players can be drafted in ANY round within their own division regardless of league-age or Player Rating. That means a younger league-age player can be selected before an older league-age player. This is done in order to
balance-out the teams in relation to each player’s softball playing-abilities, and thereby allow for more competitive division play among all the teams.
(6) Players must have an assigned Player Rating before they can be eligible for the Draft or be placed on a team.
(7) Players registering after the Draft, will be placed on a Waiting List by the President until such time that there are sufficient numbers on the list to bring numerical parity among the teams (or at the latest – 7 days prior to the
start of the season), at which time the players on the Waiting List will then be drafted according to the original draft order, and commencing with the next team in the Draft round from where the teams left off at the close of the Draft.
(8) There will be no player trades allowed in any Division.
(9) Player Protection for Managers and Coaches daughters will be as follows:
a. Majors Division Player protection only for Manager’s daughter(s) and 1st Coach’s   daughter.
b. Minors Division Player protection only for Manager’s and 1st Coach’s daughter(s).
c. Pony Division Player protection only for Manager’s and 1st Coach’s daughter(s).


Player Ratings will beused as guide for Managers in the Draft, and for positioning of Protected Players in the Draft.  A standard Player Rating form, approved by the Board, will be used by the teams.

(1) At the conclusion of each season, each Division VP (Majors, Minors, Pony) will be responsible for securing completed Player Rating forms from each team in their respective Division.

(2) Team Managers will be responsible for rating all of the players on their team’s roster, except their Protected Players. Protected Players will be rated by the Board. 
(3) Each VP may also request a team Manager to submit player ratings for other teams within the Division. In this case, a Manager can pass over any player they do not have sufficient knowledge to assign a rating. This additional request can only be used the purpose of confirming or seeking a change of rating by the VP, and is not to be used for “averaging out” a Player Rating.

(4) Each VP will receive and approve each team’s Player Ratings within their division.

a. Any objection raised to a player’s rating by the VP will be addressed directly with the team’s Manager.

b. If there is no mutual agreement on a player’s Player Rating between the team’s Manager and the VP, the President will determine the final rating for the player(s) in question after consulting with the VP and team Manager.

c. Any change to a Player Rating will be communicated to the team Manager.

(5) Each VP will present the Player Ratings to the President for his/her final approval. Final approval by the President for all team’s Player Ratings are to be made by no later than the September league meeting.

(6) Final Player Ratings should be available to each team Manager (for their respective team) by the October board elections meeting or sooner.

a. The Board Secretary will record all approved team Player Ratings. They will then be usable for the following season’s Draft.

b. A Manager can petition the Board for re-consideration of any disputed Final Player Rating for any player on his/her team. The Board will then vote to approve or reject the Manager’s Player Rating.

(7) After the annual Registration a “Player Rating Session” date should be established by the President, in conjunction with the VPs of Minors and Majors to be held prior to the Draft, for the purpose of rating new (non-returning) registrants going into the Minors and Majors. 
a. This session may be held outdoors or indoors as circumstances dictate. Team Managers/Coaches are encouraged to attend.

b. Ratings will be done by the President, and/or respective VPs, or duly assigned representative(s).

c. All Player Ratings will be submitted to the President for approval and proper recording.


Player Rating and Positioning in the Draft: Inserting the Player Rating system for the Positioning of Protected Players in the Draft is done in order to maintain “equal and fair” advantage throughout the Draft process, and in consideration for the fact that Protected Players are exempt from being drafted by any other team.

(1) Manager’s (and Coach’s) Protected Player(s) must be slotted as their
initial selection(s) from within that Player Rating point group during the course of the Draft rounds.

For example:  if a team has a Protected Player that is rated a “4”, then that Protected Player has to be that team’s initial “4”-rated pick during the course of the Draft BEFORE that team can  make an open draft selection of a player from that same point group. If a team has more than one Protected Player in the same point group, then the second Protected Player will be assigned as that team’s “second selection” from that Player Rating point group before that team can make their first open selection from that same point group.
(2) “Sister” picks: Protected Players are exempt from this “initial selection” process, and will be considered as the last pick(s) in that team’s draft.
(3) Protected Players with a “5” Player Rating will automatically be slotted as that team’s first round pick. If a team has a second Protected Player as a “5” then it will be assigned as their 2nd round pick.


The purpose of player ratings is to rate the skills of each player in order to put together competitive and balanced teams. These ratings should be based on a fair and objective assessment by the team Manager as to the player’s
overall ability, skill level, and knowledge of the game in comparison to other players of the same age level.

(1)Players will be rated in two categories, as applicable:  “OVERALL” and “PITCHING”.
(2)“OVERALL” – will apply to fielding, batting, and game knowledge “PITCHING”- will apply to pitching ability relative to other players of same age. 
Notes for “Pitching” category:

For Majors and Minors Division only apply if player has pitched in 2 or more games.

For Pony Division only make note if player is known to have taken Pitching Lessons.

(3) Each category will be rated on a point scale of 1 to 5, with “5” being the best.
5 = Excellent (excels in fielding, batting, and knowledge of the game)

4 = Above Average (performs above average in most areas relative to most players of same age)

3 = Average (understands and plays the game within the confines of most players of same age)

2 = Below Average (requires more experience/ability to reach most players of same age)

1 = Novice (has little or no experience / knowledge of the game)


(1) After registration, all eligible players will be reviewed so as to determine the total number of players by league age for each Division.
(2) The Board will then determine the number of players per team, which will also determine the number of teams in each Division.
(3) There will be a limit of one (1) team that a parent can request for no-placement.
(4) “Late Registrants” – are those eligible players who have officially registered AFTER the Draft date and were not included in the original Draft. These players will be assigned to the “Waiting List” (See Section G regarding Waiting List).
(5) Each draftee must have an assigned a Player Rating of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best.
(6) Each Division (Majors, Minors, Pony) will segregate all eligible draftees:
a. Grouped by Player Rating point group (all the “5s”, then all the “4s” etc.)

b. Then within each point group, by date of birth, from oldest first to youngest last.

F –LEAGUE REDUCTION (Elimination of Teams)

This will be determined after Registration and after the Board has determined the total number of players per team.

G –LEAGUE EXPANSION (Addition of Teams) 

This will be determined after Registration and after the Board has determined the total number of players per team.


(1)A waiting list will be maintained for those individuals who wish to play but register after the DRAFT.  This list will be used, as per the Draft rules A or if after the start of the regular season, to replace players who leave the league, are unable to play the rest of the season because of a prolonged injury, or are needed to bring a team(s) to a full roster size because of the number of available draftees.

(2) This list will be maintained by the President of the league or a Board appointed representative and enacted on a “first come, first serve” basis. Any eligible individual can be placed on the Waiting List at any point in time during the course of the regular season except during the last 2 weeks of the regular season, which at that point would then require Board approval.

(3) It is recommended that when a prolonged injury replacement individual is going to be assigned, that a doctor’s note be provided to the Board from the player “leaving” the team so the Board can approve the replacement with
reasonable awareness.  The replacement player will become a regular roster player of that team as if drafted.


(1) All players participating in Audubon Girls Softball sanctioned and or sponsored activities/events will participate at the sole discretion of the Board of Audubon Girls Softball. Players shall under most circumstances be placed upon
age appropriate teams/levels. However, player placement on age appropriate teams/levels will be secondary only to safety related concerns/matters which have been brought to the Board’s attention.

(2) In cases where player’s skill abilities may be a safety issue, parents; team coaches, or league level VP’s can bring their concerns before the Board for a league placement review/decision. If parents/guardians are not aware of the issue at hand, they shall be notified of the concerns of the league. Parents shall be afforded a timely, expeditious opportunity to speak on the matter before a decision is rendered.

a. In a case where a child is proposed to be moved into a higher age bracket, all parties shall be in agreement – the child, the parent(s) or guardian(s); the Board and the respective league level Vice-presidents. However; VP’s, that are the coach of a team on which a player is a member and that player is proposed to be moved, do not have to be in agreement with a decision to move up to an older age level, or stay in the age appropriate league level. In any
case, the agreement of the parties shall be memorialized in writing.

b. In a case where a child is proposed to be held or moved into a lower age bracket, the Board shall be the sole determining body. 
c. Players that have an ability to pitch that does far exceed the batting ability level of most of the other players in/on the recreational teams, may upon review and decision of the board, not be eligible to pitch at the recreational level. This by-law is not intended to be an instrument to harm or discriminate against a child that has such ability, but it is recognition of such ability and the dominating nature of one player that can overshadow the fair nature of competition that is supposed to exist at the recreational level for all the players.

(3) Once it has been decided that a player is to be moved into a higher or lower league, the player will be assigned to a team using the following procedures to determine placement:

a. The team with the least number of current players will receive the player first.

b. If there is more than one team with this number being the same, then the team next in order according to the current year’s draft pick order will receive the player.



The objectives of the organization shall be to assist in the mental, physical and reverent development of the youth of the organization.  The game of girl’s softball shall be taught while stressing the qualities of good sportsmanship,
team spirit, honesty, courage, loyalty and respect all aiding in the development of the organizations youth into good adults.

All managers and coaches should be active members of the organization.  An active member is any individual who has attended at least 8 meetings during the past 12 months. An individual must be 21 years of age or older to hold the position of manager.  No individual under the age of 21 may hold a practice or game without the presence of the

manager/coach. Each manager and coach must abide fully by the AGS organization by-laws, rules, and

regulations of the NSA (modified fast pitch).

If a manager or coach fails to assume the noted duties and responsibilities, he/she shall be requested to appear before the officers to show cause why disciplinary action should not be taken.

Each team must be represented at 5 of the 6 the general league meetings that occur during the active season (from April 1 through June 30) or their managing/coaching eligibility will be in jeopardy.  It shall be the responsibility of the manager to assure that such representation is made.

Managers of each team shall be responsible for all equipment and property of the organization.  All property shall be inventoried no later than October 1st and a written report forwarded to the appropriate vice president regarding the
inventory, inspection, and condition of such property.

The manager shall be responsible for the team’s participation in the Annual Town Fund Drive.

The manager shall be responsible for team representation at all work details.

Managers and coaches will not demonstrate or permit any player to act in any manner, which could possibly cause injury to himself/herself, or to another.  No poor sportsmanship shall be permitted in any fashion, verbal or otherwise.

No tobacco products may be used inside the complex.  We are a smoke free facility.

No alcoholic beverages or persons under the influence of an alcoholic beverage are allowed on or near the playing field.



Audubon Girls Softball will be played in accordance with the rules and regulations as published by the NSA (modified fast pitch).

The following are league rules for clarification or exception to the official NSA (modified fast pitch) rules.

  1. Games must start as scheduled.  
  2. Any team not prepared to play fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled time is subject to forfeit the game.
  3. Once a game has started, managers, coaches and umpires are presumed to have approved the playing conditions.
  4. All players not in the game are to be off the field of play and on the bench during the game.  Only players and coaches are to be sitting on the bench, during the game.  If a manager or coach allows anyone not affiliated with that team to be in the area of the bench, that manager or coach shall be personally responsible.
  5. All girls must be in an official uniform at all games.  An official uniform shall consist of long pants below the knees or padded sliding pants and knee pad, tied sneakers or rubber spikes and a team shirt, which must be worn in the normally accepted manner.  Training League may wear regular shorts. If a player is found to be without long pants below the knees or padded sliding pants and knee pad while at bat or as a runner on base, play will cease and she will be called out immediately (does not apply to training league).
  6. No jewelry, bracelets or other trinkets are to be worn during game.  No combs may be carried in a pocket.  Hair must be pulled back with a rubber band type hair keeper.  No hard plastic or metal or large belt buckles may be worn.  No
    gum, smoking or glass containers are permitted either on the playing field or on the bench.
  7. Umpires will make all decisions on unnecessary roughness and remove the offender, if necessary.
  8. Catchers must wear a helmet and a face mask with throat protection, chest protector and shin protectors, while in the process of catching a game.  Any player warming up a pitcher must wear, at a minimum, helmet and face mask with
    throat protection.
  9. Batting helmets must be worn by all batters, base runners and player coaches at all times, while on the playing field.  Chinstraps must be used.  If a player removes a helmet during play the player shall be called out.
  10. If there is a play being made on a runner, the runner must slide or veer. Failure to do so will result in the runner being called out.
  11. No player shall throw or sling a bat or helmet.  First offense shall result in a warning.  The second offense shall result in ejection from the game, by the umpire.  If the ejected player reaches a base or is still at bat, no out is recorded.  A substitute player may be placed for the ejected player.  If a substitute player is not available, the ejected player must be removed and the next batter in the line-up shall bat, with no out being recorded, as if the ejected player never existed.  If the ejected player made a legal out then the out is recorded.
  12. At the first sign of thunder or lightning play must immediately cease.  A maximum period of twenty (20) minutes may be taken to delay the game due to weather conditions.
  13. The umpire shall decide if the game should be halted due to darkness.  If the umpire ceases the game due to darkness, and sufficient innings have been played to consider the game official, the game shall stand official.  If
    insufficient innings have been played to consider the game official, the game shall be replayed in total. A game may not be postponed for reasons other than weather without the approval of the President or the Vice-president of the affected league.  Both team managers must approve any postponement. 

  14. Only the catcher may use a catcher’s mitt. A first baseman’s glove may be used, but only by that person playing first base or by the catcher.  All other players must use an official fielder’s type glove.

  15. All bats used in a game must be official softball bats.
  16. A fielded team must consist of all available players up to a maximum of ten (10) players.  If a team is unable to field at least eight (8) players, after using all available players:
  1. In the Major league:  the game shall be recorded as a forfeit and the teams are encouraged to share players and play the game as a scrimmage game.  No outs shall be charged for either a vacant 9th or 10th bating position. If the team number drops below eight (8) at any point during play, game will continue with one (1) out being recorded each time
    the missing 8th player would have batted. If the team number drops below seven (7), the game will be forfeited.
  2. In the Minor league: players are to be moved over to the other team and the game is to be played.

Players arriving after the start of the game shall be eligible to play.  If a player arrives late and the team is not at full compliment (10 players) that players shall be immediately placed in to the game and assigned to the next
available batting position (9 or 10).

Each player must play a minimum of two (2) full innings and one at bat unless the player is injured or being restricted from playing for disciplinary reasons.  The president and the applicable league vice-president must be notified of any player not playing for disciplinary reasons as soon aspossible to ensure players are not being unfairly penalized.

A player must be present for the entire game (all innings played) in at least 50% of the regular season games in order to be eligible to play in the playoffs. Medical excuses are exempt and are subject to Board approval.

Coaches must remain within the confines of the designated coaching boxes and shall not exceed their limitations.

Each team shall be required to possess, on their person, a copy of the L
eague Rules, during each game played.  If a situation arises and no copy is available, the ruling of the umpire shall be final and binding to both teams.



1. All games are practice and will be a minimum of four innings.

2. Managers and coaches are required on the field during the games to provide instruction for the girls.

3. Every girl on the team must get an at bat every inning.  No outs will be called on the field, and the inning is not over until every girl gets an at bat.

4. All girls will hit off the tee the first half of the season.

5. Coaches will pitch to the girls and use the pitching machine during the second half of the season. All girls must hit the ball each at bat, and there are no strikeouts.

6. There are no leads or stealing.  Girls cannot leave the base until the ball is hit.

7. All girls must play the field; extra girls will be placed in the outfield.

8. Fielder positions must be rotated every inning or two to allow the girls to learn to play all the positions throughout the course of the year.

9. The batting order will change each time each team is at bat so the same girl is not batting last every time.

10. Teams should not keep score; there is no winner or loser.

11. Teams should not let the girls run wild on the bases.  Only advance one base at a time. The last batter circles the bases. The hitting team must announce the last batter.




1. All games are practice and will be a maximum of five inning games; no inning will start after 1 ½ hours of play.

2. Managers and coaches are required on the field during the games to umpire and provide instruction for the girls.

3. All girls on roster must play; extra players are to be placed in theoutfield.

4. All players must play at least one inning in the infield.

5. No player may play the same position for more than three innings.

6. Outfielders and short-fielder must be behind the designated outfield line.

7. Outs will be recorded in the field. Three outs per team per inning.

8. The infield fly rule is not in effect.

9. Bunting should be taught but is only permitted in the second half of the season.

10. No stealing or leading allowed. Players should be taught proper base running and sliding.

11. Bases on balls (walks) are not allowed.

12. Coaches should start to teach pitching and catching skills.

13. The batting team’s coach will run the pitching machine. Batters will be given five (5) swings; foul balls will count as swings except for the fifth swing just like regular softball. After the fifth swing the batter will hit from the tee (first half of season only).  The second half of the season the batter will be called out after three strikes.  Players do not have to swing at bad pitches. DO NOT LET ANY PLAYERS RUN THE MACHINE!

14. Each team will bat the number of players equal to the team with the most players. (Example: if the teams have 11 and 12 players, they will each bat 12 batters per inning). Minimum number of eligible batters will be 10 per inning.

15. The player in the pitcher position must be even with or behind the pitching machine.

16. Balls hit into the pitching machine will be considered a dead ball and runners will advance only if forced.

17. The pitcher must throw the ball to make an out when appropriate (versus running to the base to make the out).

18. Base runners may advance on hits.  Batters may take more than one base on a hit.

19. Once the pitcher has control of the ball, within the pitching circle, play will cease. Runners may not advance. Runners may not advance to the next base unless the runner is more than one-half of the way to the next base;
otherwise the runner must return to the last base touched.

20. Runners may advance on overthrows as follows:

i.Overthrow to 1st : no extra base

ii.Overthrow to 2nd: 1 base maximum

iii.Overthrow to 3rd:  no extra base.

iv.No advance to home ever.

21. THERE ARE NO PLAYOFFS IN THE PONYTAIL LEAGUE: There will be medals awarded to those players graduating up to the minor league.

22. There will be try-outs for the Gloucester Tournament.



Regular Season-

  1. 1. All games and practice games will be six innings.

2. During the regular season any game, which is called due to darkness, will be considered a complete game.
3. If a game is suspended for any other reason, it will be replayed depending on the schedule.
4. Playoffs – All games are double elimination format and will be six innings. 
5. In the event of darkness, weather, or any other cause that interrupts a game, a game shall be considered official if the visiting team is ahead 12 runs after five (5) complete innings OR the home team is 12 runs ahead after 4 ½ innings. 
6. Games that are not considered regulation or official shall be replayed from the beginning. 
7. Original lineups may be changed when the game is replayed.

  1. 8. The pitching distance will be 40 feet for all 11 year olds.  9 and 10 year olds will have the option of pitching from 35 feet, however, if it is brought to the AGS Board’s attention and the AGS Board determines that a 9 or 10 year old poses a risk to batters or is overpowering from that distance, she may be required to pitch from 40 feet.  The pitching circle will remain the same and will be marked from the 40 foot rubber. 
  2. 9.The maximum numbers of batters per inning shall be limited to the maximum number of players in the field, for both teams except that in the sixth inning there shall be no limitation on the number of batters.  (Example:  One team
  3. has 9 players in the field and the other team has 8.  The maximum number of batters shall be 9.  Also if one team has 8 and the other has 10 the maximum number of batters shall be 10.)  
  4. 10. The last batter of the inning shall be treated as if there are two (2) outs.  Play shall continue on a batted ball until an out is made or the pitcher has control of the ball in the pitching circle.  If the last batter is walked the inning shall end when the batter reaches first base.
  5. 11. Free substitution is permitted at any time during the season (regular & playoffs). 
  6. 12. A continuous batting order will be used during the entire season (regular & playoffs).  
  7. 13. Each player must play a minimum of two (2) full innings in the field during the entire season (regular & playoffs) unless the player is injured.    
  8. 14. Players are limited to a maximum of three (3) innings at any position during the entire season (regular & playoffs).
  9. 15. Coaches may call one (1) time-out in any given inning to talk to one specific pitcher.  The second time-out in the inning to a specific pitcher shall require the pitcher to be replaced, as a pitcher, for that inning. The relieved pitcher can be placed elsewhere in the field of play.

NOTE: Any pitcher who hits three (3) batters in which they are awarded first base, or six (6) batters in a game must be relieved as pitcher for that game.

  1. 16. Relief pitchers shall be afforded warm-up pitches only to the point of one relief pitcher per inning.  The second and any subsequent relief pitchers, in any given inning, shall be afforded the opportunity to warm-up, but the number
    of pitches shall not exceed five (5).
  2. 17. No pitcher who has been relieved may return as a pitcher in that same inning.

18. Any pitched ball which in the umpire’s opinion, grazes a batter or is considered a glancing blow that batter shall not be awarded 1st base. Any pitched ball which in the umpire’s opinion physically harms a batter, which
is not a strike, that batter will be awarded 1st base.  Any runners will advance one base, if forced, due to the batter being awarded 1st base.  If a batter is even struck in the head, Article X Rules apply. (Article X: Any player struck on the head with a ball or a bat, based on the judgment of the umpire, shall be immediately removed from the playing field.  It shall be the responsibility of the manager or coach to comply with this order.  If deemed a glancing blow, the umpire shall decide whether the player must sit out for one full inning. If deemed a direct blow, the injured player must be removed for the remainder of the game.  For a direct blow, medical attention should be sought and the parents notified.)

  1. 19. You must field four (4) outfielders (if you field a full team). Players designated as outfielders must be ten (10) feet beyond the infield prior to each ball pitched.  (Note:  Outfielder’s may not cover bases.)
  2. 20. There will be no third strike rule.  If the catcher drops a third strike pitch, the batter is called out.
  3. 21. Bunting is allowed.
  4. 22. The infield fly rule is not in effect.
  5. 23.Once the pitcher has control of the ball, within the pitching circle, all play shall cease.  Runners may not advance unless the runner is more than one-half of the way to the next base; otherwise the runner must return to the last base
    touched.  If the pitcher from within the circle decides to make a play on the runner advancing to the next base two results may occur:  Runner will be either out or safe depending on the result of the play.  All runners may advance only one (1) base on the play however you can not advance home. Runners may only leave the base after the ball has crossed home plate. Leaving a base before the ball crosses the plate will result in a warning for the first half of the season. During the second half of the season and playoffs, the warning will occur at the conference before the game and runners who leave early will be called out.
  6. 24. Stealing is not allowed for the first half of the season, except if the following occurs:  If after the ball crosses the plate and a runner leave the base, at their own risk, and the ball is not batted, the runner shall return to that base.  If during the return to the base a play is made on the runner it shall be considered a tag play (no force).  The runner may advance, at their own risk, but only after having tagged the base prior to advancing.  If there are runners on another base they shall not be required to tag the base before advancing.  All runners may advance only one (1) base on the play, however, you can not advance home.
  7. 25. Stealing will be allowed for the second half of the regular season and all playoff games.  Only one (1) base may be stolen per play. A maximum of five (5) bases may be stolen per inning. Stealing home is allowed.
  8. 26. There will be a maximum of five (5) runs allowed per inning except in the last declared inning where an unlimited number of runs are allowed.




1. Complete and official games shall be 7 innings.
2. Any team which is twelve (12) runs ahead after four and one-half (4 ½ innings) (if the home team is ahead and five (5) innings if the home team is losing) shall be declared the winner.
3. Coaches may call one (1) time-out in any given inning to talk to one specific pitcher.  The second time-out in the inning to a specific pitcher shall require the pitcher to be replaced, as a pitcher, for that inning.  The relieved pitcher can be placed elsewhere in the field of play.

NOTE: Any pitcher who hits three (3) batters in on inning or six (6) batters in a game must be relieved as pitcher for that game.
4. Relief pitchers shall be afforded warm-up pitches only to the point of one relief pitcher per inning.  The second and any subsequent relief pitchers, in any given inning, shall be afforded the opportunity to warm-up, but the number of pitches shall not exceed five (5).
5. No pitcher who has been relieved may return as a pitcher in that same inning.
6. The score of each game played shall be communicated to the League secretary, by the home team manager, as soon as possible after the completion of the game.
7. Free substitution is permitted at any time during the season (regular and playoff).  A continuous batting order will be used during the entire season (regular and playoff).  Each player must play a minimum of two (2) full innings
in the field unless a player is injured.
8. There will be a maximum of five (5) runs allowed per inning except in the last declared inning where an unlimited number of runs are allowed.


Audubon Girls Softball
P.O.Box 161 
Audubon, New Jersey 08106

Email: [email protected]

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